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Inside the High-Stakes World of Match Day with Richard Lisi III, MD, MBA

Match Day is one of the most important moments in a medical student's career. In a single day, thousands of students learn their fate, discovering where and in what specialty they will undertake their residency. For Richard Lisi III, MD, MBA this journey began 28 weeks prematurely, fighting for survival in the very hospital where he would later match for his residency.

Early Life and Inspirations

Richard grew up in Knightsville, a small neighborhood of Cranston, Rhode Island. As a first-generation college student in an Italian immigrant family, Richard’s initial aspirations were far from academia.

However, being born prematurely at 28 weeks sparked Richard's interest in medicine. “I had profound respect for the NICU nurses and physicians who saved my life,” Richard shares. This inspired him to give back to the medical community that had such a significant impact on him.

The Path to Medical School

Richard’s journey to medical school wasn’t easy. Initially, he aimed for a joint program between the University of Rhode Island and Brown Medical School but was rejected. “It was gutting, but it fueled my determination,” he recalls. He studied hard, took the MCAT, and was accepted into Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in 2019. Richard was initially drawn to orthopedics due to his father’s profession as a carpenter, which instilled in him a fascination with the intricate work of bones and joints. But his interests evolved during medical school.

Discovering New Passions

The first year of medical school was challenging for Richard. He realized he had strong business skills, developed from observing his father run a small business. “I felt I had strong business savvy and soft skills,” Richard notes. This led him to seek opportunities beyond medicine. He secured an internship at Elemeno Health, a healthcare tech startup, and was accepted into NYU Stern’s technology-focused MBA program.

Changing Directions

Despite receiving a consulting offer from Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Richard faced a turning point during his surgery clerkship. He found himself drawn to anesthesiology, inspired by Dr. Michael Richardson. “Dr. Richardson’s guidance was crucial,” Richard says. “He helped me see the flexibility and challenges anesthesiology offered.”

Applying for Residency

Richard approached the residency application strategically, applying only to anesthesiology programs. Highlighting his tech and business background, he aimed to stand out. Despite the competitive nature of the cycle, he secured interviews at Yale, Brown, and Lahey Clinic.

The Interview Process

Each interview offered unique insights into the programs. Richard emphasized his MBA and entrepreneurial experiences. “I wanted a program that valued what I bring to the table,” he explains. Torn between challenging himself and staying close to family, he ultimately ranked Yale first but was thrilled to match at Brown.

“Matching at Brown felt like the culmination of my journey”

Celebrating Match Day

On Match Day, Richard’s joy was palpable. “Matching at Brown felt like the culmination of my journey,” he says. Returning to his roots to serve his community added profound fulfillment.

Insights for Graduate Medical Education (GME) Programs

Richard’s journey offers valuable lessons for GME programs:

  • Foster a Supportive Culture: Recognize residents’ diverse skills and contributions to improve their experience and reduce burnout.
  • Address Power Dynamics: Empower residents by providing some control over their training experience.
  • Offer Competitive Compensation: Higher salaries and benefits are crucial for attracting top talent and creating a positive training environment.

Looking Ahead

As Richard looks to the future, he balances his passion for anesthesiology with interests in consulting, particularly in healthcare management and technology integration. With a wedding and a new home on the horizon, his personal life is equally exciting. Professionally, he aims to leverage his diverse skills for a thriving career.


Richard's journey to Match Day illustrates the dynamic nature of medical training. His story underscores the power of perseverance, strategic decision-making, and supportive mentorship. For aspiring medical students and GME programs, his experience highlights the importance of holistic development and valuing diverse skill sets for a fulfilling medical career.

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Richard Lisi III

Medium (TheBlockDoc)

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